Categorized Proposals

Feb 6, 2023

Reports are now sorted into categories to easily review. This is especially helpful in large reports with lots of proposals. We sort proposals into the following categories:

  • All

  • Needs Review

  • Reviewed

  • Scan Failed

  • Malicious

  • No Ops (the item is already allowed/blocked)

  • On Allowlist

Reports are now sorted into categories to easily review. This is especially helpful in large reports with lots of proposals. We sort proposals into the following categories:

  • All

  • Needs Review

  • Reviewed

  • Scan Failed

  • Malicious

  • No Ops (the item is already allowed/blocked)

  • On Allowlist

Reports are now sorted into categories to easily review. This is especially helpful in large reports with lots of proposals. We sort proposals into the following categories:

  • All

  • Needs Review

  • Reviewed

  • Scan Failed

  • Malicious

  • No Ops (the item is already allowed/blocked)

  • On Allowlist

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