
On ChainPatrol, we track crypto-related items like URLs, contract addresses, and wallet addresses. These items are called assets. Assets can be added to the ChainPatrol database by organization owners. Typically, we’ll add the assets for you during your onboarding process.


Asset Status

Each asset has a status that indicates whether or not it is allowed or blocked:

  • Allowed - The asset is safe and has been reviewed by the owner of the asset and ChainPatrol.
  • Blocked - The asset is a scam and has been reported to ChainPatrol.

If the asset has not been reviewed by ChainPatrol, it will have the following status:

  • Unknown - The asset has not been reviewed by ChainPatrol.


Reports are the way that users can change the status of an asset. When a user reports an asset, they submit one or more proposals that contain a request to change the asset status.

Reports can be submitted either by the org members through the organization’s admin dashboard, or by the public through the organization’s public security portal.

Report Status

Each report has a status that indicates whether or not it has been reviewed by the organization owner and ChainPatrol:

  • To Do: None of the proposals in the report have been reviewed yet
  • In Progress: Some of the proposals in the report have been reviewed
  • Closed: All of the proposals in the report have been reviewed

Reports are grouped by their status in the admin dashboard to make it easier to manage.

For more information about how to create reports, see the Report stage page.

Report Statuses


Proposals are the way that users can propose changes the status of an asset. When a user submits a report, they are actually submitting one or more proposals. Typically, a scam will have multiple URLs and contract addresses associated with it, so you can submit a report with separate proposals for each with some context about why you think it’s a scam in the description.


Org admins and ChainPatrol staff both have to review a proposal to change the status of an asset. When a proposal is reviewed, the reviewer can either approve or reject the proposal. If the proposal is approved by both the org admin and ChainPatrol, the asset status will be updated. If the proposal is rejected by either the org admin or ChainPatrol, the asset status will not be updated, and the proposal will be closed.

For more information about how to review proposals, see the Review stage page.
